Show Stopping Favorite Spring flowers
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Don’t miss these show stopping Spring flowers! Spring showers bring May flowers right? I cannot wait for those flowers to start blooming. We love decorating our patio and porch with hanging plants full of spring flowers. These are just a few of our favorites and range from pansies, geraniums, petunias and viola. Keep reading, our latest big backyard patio oasis reveal, Mediterranean style is shown below.
Spring flowers
Flowers for a patio or deck
Every Mother’s Day, my mom and I head to our local nursery and we pick out our favorite plants. I usually purchase a couple for her as her Mother’s Day gift. We have been doing this for years!
The pansy is a simple and beautiful flower that coordinates perfectly with other flowers.
Decorating with Spring flowers
We have a lilac bush that hasn’t bloomed yet in our backyard near the pool and it has been there for years! A lilac bush is a perennial that comes back year after year.
Flowers that are low maintenance
Wave petunias are one of my mom’s favorite Spring flowering plants. They are considered “no deadheading.” Flower blooms can be a daunting and timely task to remove once they die.
Hanging Spring flowers in containers
Our covered porch sported many of these annuals last year. If you find a hanging plant that you love but do not have a place to hang it, simply remove the hanger and place the plant on a plant stand. This plant below was originally a hanging plant!
Did you know that roses can be kept in a pot for years? I had no idea until last year. You can read all about that here.
Show stopping Spring flowers with color
Snow princess is considered a proven winner, no deadheading and full to part sun. We are all about low maintenance and this is one of our favorites for baskets. The trailing flowers look beautiful hanging over a potted plant.
Related: Don’t miss our decorative “how to grow a vegetable garden in containers” post. Mixing in pretty vegetable containers on your porch with potted annuals is a great way to add a unique and fun look to your space.
Related: Do you want to see our amazing patio transformation that we completed recently? Here is the patio below before we did our transformation. Don’t miss our patio reveal loaded with perennials and potted annuals.
Updated March 2019: Don’t miss our 9 Herb Garden ideas post!
I am looking forward to planting Spring flowers in a couple of our flower beds in an effort to add color to the blooming greenery perennials. Be sure to also check out our mosquito repellant flower article from last summer if you are curious about with plants repel mosquitos. I had no idea! Spring flowering plants, especially if you purchase the smaller containers and make your own hanging plants or pots, can be an affordable way to decorate your outdoor living space.
Meet Jessica
What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.
I just love the smell of lilac bushes so much 🙂
My yard could use some more color. Those flowers are all so pretty!