Updates under the "roof"
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I have been a little MIA from the blog this week. There has been a lot of chaos under the “roof” this week, some good and some not so good.
My dinosaur of a computer finally said, “I have had enough of you Jessica and your pictures” and decided to move on with out me. Salvaging what I could was painful.
Our dog has been very sick and after a bazillion tests, we think that she may have pancreatitis. We are trying some new things and the last couple days have been better! If you follow me on facebook you have already seen this picture 🙂
Between my gram and gramp, I think they have been back and forth to the doctors a bazillion times in the past couple months for one thing or another. Getting old isn’t easy. They are both in their early 80’s but my grams health has never been good but she is like a machine and battles through. We are hoping to find out next week what her latest MRI and bone scans show. Fingers crossed!
I ended up acquiring MRSA from the hospital where I had my surgery. I found out yesterday that the antibiotics worked and thankfully it is gone! If you don’t know about MRSA, it is a staph infection that is resistant to antibiotics and extremely difficult to get rid of.
That’s about it in this neck of the woods! I’m finishing up a slip cover for the couch I sawzalled in half and waiting for the “ok” from my doctor to get back to normal. I miss painting and sawing wood 🙂
Meet Jessica
What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.
Ohhhhh Jessica I am glad that you are getting better! You have your hands full girl with your grandparents and your puppy 🙁
Poor you. Hope you are feeling better. Keeping my fingers crossed for your grandmother and your sweet little dog. x
Oh Jessica! So sorry to hear of your health problems and also your grandparents and pup! Wishing you all good health.
Sorry to hear about all this. Prayers to you all. You need to get better so you can come up and I can put you to work and the fur babies can play.
Oh no! I hope everyone starts to feel better soon! 🙁
Take care of yourself — MRSA is very serious. I hope your sweet dog has a full and speedy recovery. I hate when animals and babies are sick because they can't tell us what's wrong. I also hope all is well with your grand-parents. Up until very recently we had three generations under one roof, and at one time four generations under one roof!
Your Friend,
Goodness! I'm so sorry! I hope you are feeling better! I'm sure its tough to keep up with everything, take care of your family and not feel well yourself!
Thank Deborah! That is so cool that you have had the opportunity to live with all of your family 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by.
Hope everyone is feeling better soon. Life definitely knows how to r a curve ball. MRSA is scary, worse for me. I'm allergic to vancomyician (sp?) One of two meds used treat MRSA. My reaction was bad enough to put me back into hospital after I spent time there with staph infection in my spinal fluid.