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RIP to The Best Gramp Ever

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Our four generations journey has come to end. My grandfather passed earlier this morning and wouldn’t you know it, between 3:15 and 3:55 am he called it quits. My grandfather was a dairy farmer for a lot of his life and he woke up every morning, around 3:30 am to milk the cows and head to work. He continued that ritual until he took his last breath. My grandfather was a huge part of my blog since the day it started over 7 years ago and he loved every single second of the selfies, the pictures I took of him, the road trips to the doctors, daily dunkin donut coffee breaks and most importantly, helping my dad and I with renovations. My grandfather as many of you know, was a huge part of my life and one of my most favorite people on this planet. I honestly cannot imagine life without him but I am relieved he is not suffering anymore from the cruel diseases of Dementia and Alzheimer’s that slowly took him from us.

four generations hands picture

My two favorite responses from him that I will never forget.

Me: “I don’t know about you gramp.” Him: “I don’t know either.”

Me: “You are the best gramp ever.” Him: “Well I’m the only one ya got.” 

grandfather and granddaughter in car thumbs up

I snapped a picture of my dad, son and I holding my grandfather’s hand which I am so thankful for. My grandfather will be laid to rest this week at the local Veterans Cemetery next to my gram. Thank you for all of your well wishes, prayers and most of all, loving my gramp like you did. He always loved the fact that he had a “fan base” from the blog and he was fascinated with my blog. He grew up in the depression and technology absolutely amazing him.

grandfather and granddaughter in car


He loved to play practical jokes on me with my son. My grandfather taught him to “pretend to sleep.” to make mommy laugh. Here they are below, sitting in broad daylight as people walk by them, pretending to sleep as I returned from parking the car. I can remember the valet person saying, “what are they doing?” I responded saying, “being ding dongs!” Both my son and grandfather busted out laughing. I am so thankful for the memories. Myblog has brought me many blessings the past 7 plus years, one of them being an online family journal for generations to come.

great grandfather and great grandson

Dementia Diaries

Nursing Home Shenanigans 

My grandfather’s last birthday party at 88 Years old.

We spent just about every single day with each other for the last almost 8 years, with the exception of the last (almost) 2 years since he went to live in the nursing home full time. We spent a lot of time in the car together. He loved to go on daily errands with me, get coffee and just hang out. So many times I would say, “gramp, I am headed to do an errand if you want to go, be in the car in an hour. The man would literally get in the car right then and there, and wait for me ……for an hour. I would say, “what are you doing in the car so early?” He would say, “I don’t want to be late!”

I remember taking this picture like it was yesterday.

He just came in the house from being out and I said, “what the heck are you wearing? I hope you didn’t go out like that!”

He laughed and said, “what’s wrong with it?”

I showed my gram the picture after I took it and she said, “Look at that fool! Did he go out like that?”

Update : See obituary 

Dear Gramp,

“Thank you for teaching me how to milk the cows as a kid, clean the chicken coop and letting me watch you so many nights in the barn doing chores. I loved sitting on top of the stacked hay bales just watching and listening. Although, I could have done without being the “blockade” to keep the cows from running into the barn. I remember clear as day, you telling me to just stand there and waive my arms and they won’t run by you. I can remember thinking, ” you are crazy.” Thank you for getting me my first pony when I was 8 years old and for teaching me how to care for Mr. Patches. He was the best pony ever. Thank for trailering us to all the horse shows and helping me at the horse shows. Thank for especially telling me I was strong like you and could do whatever I wanted in life. Thank you for telling me to always have a strong handshake and not shake hands like a “girl.” -ha.  Thank you for always telling me to never give up on something I want and believed in and that I would always be successful if I just kept trying. You were the best gramp ever….. Behave in Heaven and stay out of trouble!”



Meet Jessica

What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.


  1. I am sending prayers to you and your family with the loss of your “Gramp.” Seems as if you have many fond memories of him that will help brighten the sadness in your heart.

    1. I’m so sorry to hear of your grandpa’s passing . I’ve followed you and your journey for along time . My heart to you and your family . Sending prayers and love .

  2. Jessica,
    I have recently found your blog and over the the last few months have been following along about your grandpa. I’m deeply sorry for your loss. It’s so sad to see the ones we love slip away into Dementia. My Pepe (what we called him him) had Dementia and he became a different person. He wouldn’t even talk to us. I’m very thankful that your grandpa kept most of his spirit and that you and your family had this time together. Thinking of your family in the days ahead. Thinking of you because it’s been a rough year for you. My prayer is that you will come out stronger in the end.

  3. Anonymous says:

    ???? my prayers are with you and your family!

  4. Stacie Stanbery says:

    Hey Jess,
    I’m so very sorry for your loss but I know Gramps is in heaven with no more pain. He and your Grandma are reunited again in heaven and I am praying for you and your family as go through the loss. xoxoxo

  5. Therese Feeman says:

    Sending you and your family love and support as you celebrate your grandfather’s life. May peace and comfort surround you in knowing he is in your heart. Always.

  6. Beth Prokopf says:

    So sorry for your loss. What a wonderful granddaughter you have been. I have been following you for a long time and will miss your. Gramps. Just hang on to the precious memories you have of him. RIP Gramps I will miss you as well.

  7. My grandfather was a dairy farmer too– may you find some peace in your loss, I know it’s so hard to watch those we love suffer. ♥

  8. ????????????????????????Jessica, you are a wonderful granddaughter! I’m so sorry for the loss of your wonderful Grandpa. My heart goes out to you and your family and My thoughts and prayers are with you. May you have peace in the days to come and be guided through each day with the love in your heart! He will be missed by everyone and May he RIP! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  9. What a beautiful tribute to your Grandpa. I know you’ll miss him like crazy but hope you’ll find comfort in all the wonderful memories you two made together. Sending prayers for peace and comfort for all of you.

  10. Diane Lavoie says:

    Beautifully said Jess. My heart feels for you, I’ve been there too . You have wonderful memories to treasure and now have both your grandparents watching over your family, sometimes when you least expect it. prayers with you…Diane

  11. Hi Jess, I have been around for several years and remember the times with both your Grandma and Gramps. How lucky you are! A lifetime of wonderful memories. While I have been through this trying time myself and know how it feels to lose someone who is so much of your life, you will survive with your memories intact and learn to smile as you remember………………. Sending my prayers and love.

  12. I am so sorry for your loss. Your family will be in my prayers.

  13. Anonymous says:

    So sad to learn of Gramps passing..A void which never can be filled! My grandfather too was very special to me. May your heart find peace until you meet again…….hugs Jacquelyn

  14. So sorry for your loss Jessica. I have been following you for years and he was an extremely special man! What wonderful memories you have to last a lifetime! God Bless you all!

  15. Cynthia C Spurlock says:

    One of the hymns of my childhood is about memories. I pray that your precious memories will lead you through this next week and from now on. Your tears will sneak up on you at the weirdest times so just let them flow. Praying for you, and your family.

  16. Katie Esposito says:

    Jess, so sorry to read this! He had quite the life and you were fortunate to share in it! Praying and thinking of you all!

  17. phyllis mclaughlin says:

    Tears for your family today. This will be a very tough time for all of you, but the wonderful memories you have of your grandparents will resonate thru the years. HUGS

  18. What a blessing for you to have had your grandpa for so long to love and learn from. I lost mine when I was too young to appreciate him. Condolences. RIP to your grandpa.

  19. My heart aches for you and your family. I knew this day was coming but my heart just sank when I read the title to your post. Your words made me both laugh and cry. Strength to you in the painful days ahead. ❤

  20. Terri Hughes says:

    So sorry for your loss. It is hard to let go, but when someone has a serious illness, that is no life to live. Your gramps is with your gram now, she will make him behave..lol. I have been keeping up with your gramps illness. You have so many good memories to fall back on. You and your family are in my prayers. God Bless you all and may he comfort you now and in the coming days. ”RIP Gramps”

  21. Cathy Asmus says:

    My heart hurts for your pain. You are so lucky to have lived and had daily access to your Grandad. I know how hard it will be for you and your entire family. I am sending you loving, healing energy. Time will help…. ????????

  22. Jess,

    I’m so so so so sorry friend! Your grandfather was such a joy and such a bright light. Heaven is laughing with him right now!

    Love you friend,

  23. Prayers for you and your family. Know your gramp is at peace now.

  24. So sorry for your loss. Hold tight to those memories. I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I will also miss the antics you would write about. I’m sure he is in heaven with your Grandma and being as ornery as ever.

  25. So sorry to hear of the passing of your grandfather. Thank you for sharing him with us all these past seven years. It was a blessing to get to know him and you and that relationship, albeit a virtual knowledge. May God comfort you as you celebrate his life and cherish the memories.

  26. chloe Ward says:

    Im so sorry for your Loss. But , you have so many wonderful memories to hold onto.Saying a prayer for your family.

  27. Kristy Wicks says:

    I am so sorry for your loss Jessica. This blog post is the sweetest – and I love how close you two are. Brought tears to my eyes today. Thinking of you sweet friend.

  28. This was such a beautiful tribute Jess! I’m crying and laughing at the same time. Thank you for sharing this wonderful man with us all! I am heartbroken for you and Alan and all the kids were saddened and said a prayer for you all this morning when I told them he passed. Know I love you and will be thinking of you all this week. XOXO

  29. Barbara Whitaker says:

    such a sweet reminder; of how he said you were strong just like him. We all have to be strong (for many different reasons) and get thru the day to day life changes. That generation was the best, kindest, strongest, happiest ever. Our losses are Heaven’s gains…

  30. Donna Johnson says:

    So very sorry for the loss of your grandfther. My prayers go out to you and your family in this sad time.

  31. so sorry for the loss of your grand father , you have gone thru a lot of changes .. i g=feel you are a VERY STRONG women.. thanks for sharing .. and continue to be strong hugs

  32. Lisa Santangini says:

    Thanks for sharing your family with us. It was great knowing about your grandparents. You are very blessed having them in your life. Store the memories and they will always be with you. God bless you Jessica and also your family.

  33. Gail Martin says:

    Oh Jessica, As I read this, I wish you many blessings and prayers. You have shared your life and family with us through your blog, and we as readers have come to feel as if you are a part of our lives too. So I grieve with you.(Crying here). Keep your sweet spirit alive. Talk about your grandpa when you see fit. We all grieve differently. My family do so thru humor by celebrating our love ones lives, their humor, their quirks, etc. Much love and blessings

  34. Kate Horrell says:

    So so sorry for ur loss. I’m glad u shared ur families adventures with all of us, n the meeting of ur grandparents was fun to watch. They are in heaven together now watching down on y’all.

  35. Yvonne LeBlanc says:

    So sorry for your loss, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  36. What a beautiful tribute. My heart goes
    out to you and your family.

  37. Vickey Walker says:

    Jessica, I am so sorry for your loss. You are fortunate to have had a special grandfather. God Bless You and your Family,

  38. Sharon Gilbert says:

    My prayers are with you and your family. What a great person you were able to spend so much time with. May he Rest In Peace!

  39. I’m sorry for you loss. Thank you for sharing all of these special memories with us. My dad taught me how to “not shake hands like a girl” too! I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  40. Chris McCord says:

    oh Jessica, I’m so sorry for your loss. One of the things I have learned this year is the following acronym, H.O.P.E “Hang On Pain Eases”. I so believe that! This is not the end of your relationship with Gramps but now it becomes one of memories. My heart goes out to you. Many prayers for you and your family during this time. Hugs and Kisses..

  41. I’m so sorry for your loss Jess. I’m glad we all go to know your Gramp through the blog. I’ll miss reading about his antics. That picture of him in long underwear is the best!

  42. That is such a wonderful tribute to your Gramp. You were so blessed to live with your grandparents for so long, and I know that they felt incredibly blessed to have you for a granddaughter. My thoughts and prayers are with your whole family during this time. May God bless you and give you peace.

  43. NormaJean says:

    Jessica, so sorry for the loss of your grandfather. I enjoyed reading about him in your blogs. Prayers for peace and comfort to you and the family.

  44. I am so sorry for your loss God bless you and your family. Thank you for sharing him with us ❤️

  45. Rest in peace sweet Gramps! So many special memories. Glad that you have many of them cataloged here for the grand kids and generations to come. Sending prayers to you all that you find comfort in all the loving memories.

  46. Jessica, I am sorry for your loss. You are blessed to have had your grandfather with you for so long. I am sending prayers and strength to you and your family.

  47. phyllis mclaughlin says:

    I am remembering your story about Grams when he put his pants on backwards and when told about it, he said “he knew that but it was just too much trouble to change them”. I laughed so hard at that story. Tears and Hugs for you and your family.

  48. Jacquekinsman says:

    Just thinking of you again and wondering how you are all coping? Your son? A lot of changes lately for a young kid, but that is why they are such a blessing, they accept it all and go on to the NEXT. All is well in the World….hugs Jacquelyn

    1. Thank you and we are doing good :). The last few months have been tough watching my grandfather suffer so it’s a relief that it’s over. The void has been kind of strange though these last couple days but I know with time, it will get easier. Thanks for the sweet comment!

  49. Loraine Folsom says:

    So sorry for your loss but so thankful you have all the precious memories. Count yourself blessed to have had such an amazing relationship with your Gramps.

  50. Annette Wallace says:

    Everything is so beautifully written but what else would I expect from such a love and a life beautifully lived.
    I’m sorry to read of your loss. Praying for a cure for Alzheimer’s and dementia daily. Join me.

  51. Jessica,
    I am only seeing this post about your grandfather’s passing now. I am so sorry for your loss. Your candid sharing about your life with your grandparents has been encouraging and uplifting.

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