Handmade Wooden Reindeer & Sleigh , Christmas Tree & North Pole Kids Corner

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This past weekend we finished decorating the tree, creating the North Pole Kids Corner & finished up the family room Christmas decor. I.AM.DONE! Smile 

christmas tree

My Gramp made these reindeer & Santa sleigh by hand! I kid you not! Give the man a picture of something and he will make it! Aren’t they adorable! They fit right in with the Kid’s Corner!

Christmas Kids Corner 2

reindeer 2

I printed the Ho HO sign here


The amount of cutting that my gramp did to make all 9 reindeer was amazing! I love Rudolph Smile


I found this tinsel wreath a few days ago for $5 at Wal-Mart & these little tin holders in Target for $.50 each.


I decided to hang wreaths from the bookcase we made over the summer.

book case 2


bookcase wreath



I covered some random pillows I had with left over linen from another project & found a reindeer printable online & traced onto felt and attached Smile 


fireplace 2island 2island 3island christaslantern

Thanks for taking a peek!

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Meet Jessica

What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.


  1. House looks beautiful. The reds really pop against the white. And the reindeer pillows came out so cute. I'll definitely be trying that next year.

    Your gramps is a talented man. Santa and his reindeer are awesome. You little man must love that corner.

  2. rachel@Acts of Life says:

    Your Gramps did an awesome job! Did you make the wreaths that are greenery? If so how did you do it?

  3. Oh my goodness, those reindeer are awesome! I have a large wooden reindeer that my grandfather made a long time ago and it's one of my most cherished decorations. I know you'll enjoy them for years to come!

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