2015 Blizzard (s) that keep on coming

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We are use to snow here in Massachusetts but not like this. We have gotten almost 50 inches in one week and supposedly, another 24″ on the way! W.H.A.T!! 2015 is definitely the year for blizzard’s that won’t go away. My grandfather is beside himself with hatred for mother nature right now. haha. He despises being in New England as many of you know during the winter and this year, has completely destroyed any hope of him being happy! haha. You can read about him and his batman hat last week before the first blizzard hit.

blizzard 2015 Boston 50 inches of snow in one week

My car was literally buried in a 10 foot drift.

blizzard 2015 Boston 50 inches of snow in one week

blizzard 2015 Boston 50 inches of snow in one week-3

My cute momma trying to dig out the horse barn. They were trapped!

blizzard 2015 Boston 50 inches of snow in one week-4

Thank goodness we bought a new tractor last year with a snow blower attachment. I cannot even imagine doing this by hand with our old snow blower. Although there is still loads of shoveling as the snowblower can only get so close to the buildings.

blizzard 2015 Boston 50 inches of snow in one week-5

Yikes for the horses!

blizzard 2015 Boston 50 inches of snow in one week-6

This was the only time my husband smiled that day and it was because he knew he was going on the blog ;).

blizzard 2015 Boston 50 inches of snow in one week-7

My dad’s banana suit from my mom last Christmas.

blizzard 2015 Boston 50 inches of snow in one week-8

Keep your fingers crossed that the 2 feet of snow headed our way takes a turn and buries someone else! ha My dad enjoys his new toy. Sometimes I think he secretly loves when the snow is on the way 😉







Meet Jessica

What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.


  1. Hahaha… last year we had over 11 feet of snow (western NY) so please forgive me when I say, “TG it is burying someone else,”

    Stay safe and warm.

  2. Our terrible winter in West Michigan was last year, so I feel your pain!! Glad you have the new tractor/snowblower…definitely makes it a little easier!

  3. I can’t imagine dealing with that much snow. Knee deep is about all I ever experienced before moving to Florida. We do have nasty hurricanes though. Hope you don’t get any more snow this year.

  4. The snow is crazy this year! We live over in the next town over in Grafton. My husband couldn’t wait for the first snow to try out the new truck with a plow. He has a snowblower,but the one you have I’m sure would work much better with all of this snow. I had just told him he didn’t need the plow this year and we were hit with the blizzard. Ha Ha. I guess he was right …shhhh don’t tell him that. Love your blog! Enjoy the rest of winter, spring will get here soon!

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