Our real life modern family update
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The other day, someone said to me, “you know Jess, your family is like the real life modern family”. Oh my. I am so use to how we live, four generations under one roof,that I don’t even give our living arrangement another thought. In fact, I don’t think any of us do. My son knows no other way of living. Some crazy fun things going on around here that I can’t discuss at the moment because I am not sure if they are really going to happen but if they do, it will be WAY cool! Hopefully more on that later. Last week and this past weekend we celebrated my son’s birthday as well as mine. Here is my husband and grandfather hanging out at the party. My grandfather bought himself a new pair of snazzy suspenders because his pants kept falling down. Literally.
Here he is bringing my son his birthday gift in a Christmas bag. hehe
Here is what my grandfather made my son. A handmade dolphin. Isn’t it adorable!? My grandfather is super talented with all the woodworking tools and gadgets. His workshop is full of crazy fun stuff that I have no clue how to use. He keeps insisting I hang out with him in his workshop so he can show me how everything works. I told him he needs to live forever because I will never know how half this stuff works. He said, “can you imagine me at 100 years old!?” I’m thinking pretty crabby!
This year we did a small family birthday party.
Our Saturday night dinners continue as a ritual with all of us and my brother’s family. They can get a little crazy at times. My brother is insanely funny, goofy and LOVES to get my son out of control. It’s very loud.
I made a trip last Friday to Boston to the new Pottery Barn. Well ,it’s in Chestnut Hill which is right outside of Boston and I told my grandfather we were going for quick ride to the new Pottery Barn. He said, “I’m not doing that, what’s the matter with you kid?!” Just as well, he probably would have fallen asleep on one of their comfy couches. Now that would make for a great picture on the Pottery Barn facebook page, “85 year old falls asleep in our Chestnut Hill store.” hehe. My mom was working but she would have loved to make the trip. If you live in the Boston area, you must check out this new store. Love. It.
Fall is in the air at Pottery Barn that’s for sure! I didn’t end up buying anything, just window shopped and got some ideas for our home.
This is completely random but for whatever reason, you all like when I post random pictures. Do any of you act as a chauffeur because your spouse likes to ride in the back with the kids? It’s a good place for my husband, he drives me crazy in the front seat. I always drive everywhere we go. He scares me to death when he drives! Like, I have panic attacks. He is my second child. No. Joke.
We did have an adult “date” night this past Saturday night for my birthday. I cannot believe I am one year older. Where does the time go!?
I am hoping I can share some fun news with you all soon. If “you know who” is reading this, “lets go already!” Our multigenerational family living arrangement gets some eye brow raises from a few in our family but for the most part, all is good.
Unless of course you are talking about my grandfather honking his horn uncontrollably in the driveway because someone is in his spot or my dad falling asleep while he is suppose to be babysitting or my husband insisting he put his drums in our house with a double boost amplifier thingy. Really honey? I’m thinking no. Other than that, all is good! I guess we are a real life modern family living our lives together, even if it is chaos at times :). I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day with family and friends.

Meet Jessica
What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.
I love your family, and whatever works for you is what it should be. While aspects of mine are typical, others raise eyebrows every time. Enjoy! Completed unrelated, what color did you use for the cabinets behind your grandfather? I love the color and am taking the plunge this fall. Love it!
Thank you! Are you talking about the kitchen cabinets? They are Benjamin Moore Decorators white with a brown glaze.
I think it’s really cool that you all live together. If your house is big enough, why the heck not? Not many people get to see their family that much. You will never look back and wonder ‘what if’ … you know!
Hey Jessica! I agree 🙂
Your gramps is awesome! He makes me smile! That dolphin is adorable too! You should do a post about his awesome workshop! Your son is a pretty special kiddo with a family like yours!
Just love reading your posts. You have a gift, girl! Thanks for sharing it. Thanks for the smiles after a rough day. Joyce
awww thank you Joyce! Hope your day is better tomorrow 🙂
I am not complaining bout the normal ads one finds on a blog but when both sides are covered with solid ads with no visible means of x-ing them out because the cover part of the dialog I am thinking perhaps you the writer are unaware of this and might like to investigate.
I love your and your family story. growing up with a great grandfather that was mostly in bed or his bedside chair (with assistance) I know there are challenges with the joys. God bless you for keeping this unit together and letting you all enjoy this journey.
The ad problem has been addressed. Thank you for letting me know. That should not have been happening! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Thanks for sharing your lifestyle with us through your website. We are also a family living with 4 generations in one home. My husband and I have 5 children who are mostly all adults and 3 of them have left home. Now we have our youngest daughter (17), my mother (89) and one son who has his son (4years old this week) alternate weekends and some times in between. Although we don’t have the four generations all the time, we love it when our grandson is here as he brightens the whole house!
A few years ago we almost ran out of rooms for a while when we had all 5 children at home as well as our son’s partner and son (who was 1 at the time) plus our future daughter in law. That was a crazy time!
Treasure what you have, laugh at the crazy times and enjoy the relationships. Though it gets hard at times, it’s worth it.
Wow that is a lot of kids and family together! 🙂 I agree, it can be crazy but my parents and grandparents love having the kids in their life all the time. I think it’s beneficial for them and hopefully creating great memories for them 🙂 Thanks for writing and keep in touch! Good luck with your living arrangement as well
I bet there’s never a dull moment at your house!!…….oh, and my husband is TOTALLY one of the kids! lol
There is something about having an adult kid though that drives me crazy! ha 😉
I’m always amazed reading about your family. I’d love to know how big your home is to accommodate so many people… especially after reading that you have 3 laundry rooms! wow!
Jessica, I was so taken with the name of your site because we are a multigenerational family too! Like you, we moved in with my parents until we could get settled and have never left. We are actually in the process of buying a house together now… Crazy! We only have three generations, but I love that my kids get so much time with their grandparents…something that most kids never experience anymore. So glad I stumbled on your blog and I look forward to following you!
Hey Tamara! Nice to meet you and that is so cool you all live together as well. It’s amazing how many people / families are doing this multigen living arrangement. I agree, it is great for the younger kids involved. Very old school and “back to basics” as far as I’m concerned. In this day and age, “back to basics” is a good thing! 🙂 Stay in touch!
Ok, I thought I was the only one who had a husband that sits in the back! Seriously, I think he’s been in the front seat less than a handful of times. LOL! I love driving, so it doesn’t bother me.
How cool that you all live together. My Memaw (Mom’s Mom) lived with us. I miss her so much!
haha see there are lot of us out there with back seat husbands 🙂