Outdoor projects and spaces {yard tour}
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Hey everyone! I’ve been a little under the weather for the past few days but feeling much better today! I finished making the drapes for our dining room reveal and finally finished this post. Hope you enjoy our yard tour!
My mom and gram are not really into the DIY thing but when it comes to flowers and outdoor decor, they both certainly take an interest in that! Many of you have emailed me over the past few months since I started blogging asking, “how do you all fit in one house and survive?”. Shhh, sometimes I don’t really know how! 🙂
It’s hard to describe the house layout so I thought I would give you a little tour of the yard and share some of our outside spaces.
My gram loves her flowers! She is a big believer in miracle grow and it has to be at room temperature. I remember as a kid growing up, her yard was always over flowing with beautiful flowers, especially phlox. She wears this bandanna thingy every day in the warm weather. She has every color imaginable.
My mom decided to give power washing a try but it was short lived. A couple minutes and she handed it back over to me. I power washed the pool area and her courtyard last weekend and lets just say, I’m glad that project is over.
Power washing is so addicting! Once you start seeing the dirt leave the premises you just can’t stop and before you know it, you’ve got one spot looking fabulous and then the rest looks even worse! 17 hours between the pool and the courtyard. Ugh. It still isn’t perfect but better than it was!
Since I took these pictures last weekend, I have already poured a new cement/paint layer over the courtyard and it’s now looking so much better and a beautiful Cape Cod Gray. We purchased the RESTORE concrete & deck finish from Home Depot and it really is like pouring a new concrete finish. I was amazed at how thick it was. It took a while to complete the project but over the course of 2 days, I got it finished. My mom is pleased 🙂 Yay! These are the pictures below of the courtyard and my dad {and me} working! 🙂
I’ll be posting the after pictures of our outside spaces soon. So what have you been doing outside to your spaces? Do tell!!!
PS. don’t feel to bad for the boys “under the roof”……you wouldn’t believe their spaces! Someday I’ll show you 🙂

Meet Jessica
What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.
It’s outside for us too. We are starting a big, HEAVY project — relaying rocks on a path in the backyard. We’ve dug up the old ones and now have to do prep work to get the new ones in right. UGH!
All of our kids are coming over and giving my husband “free labor” for his Father’s Day gift. They say many hands make light work. I don’t think they were talking rocks though. :o)
Hi Heather! Free labor is the best 🙂 Good luck!
Wow! At least if you’re going to be under one roof, you have a bunch of choices for outdoor spaces where you can relax and get away from it! I gotta say… I think i’d be with you under the covered deck!
Ha! Thanks Maury.
I love the separate deck and patio areas! I think I need to start with the Miracle Grow – her flowers look great!
Hey Stephanie! Thanks so much for stopping by and yes, I love miracle grow to 🙂
I’ve used Miracle Grow for years and my flowers do very well – you go Grandma! (I’m a grandma too!) We added a ground level deck a few years ago and love it. Bought new furniture this year for it. Added potted plants and some solar candles. Ready for summer!
That is great you bought new furniture 🙂 You must be loving it! Sounds like a beautiful place to hang out 🙂 Enjoy!
That layout is so cool! I love that you each have your own outdoor spaces 🙂
I love the bit about your grandma! So cute and funny. Love my grandma too!! Definitely filling some jugs for miracle grow today!