
Moving furniture down the street {dementia diaries}

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My grandfather celebrated his 87th birthday this past weekend and what a milestone indeed. Today, I wanted to share my gramps latest moment of insisting he was moving furniture down the street. He was a little confused, mad and then realized he was dreaming. Every morning he has coffee with my dad and as he walks through the kitchen he says the same thing, “it’s a great day when I wake up kid.” He is right. We tend to take things for granted in our younger years and I am guilty of that as we speak. Many times when he says something, I am trying to do 15 things at once and I don’t always listen to him. I mean, I listen but I don’t really stop and think about it. Does that make sense? He is happy he woke up and I am stressing about stupid stuff like the laundry.

Moving the furniture down the street {dementia diaries}

He told me that he had a horrible night and he thought all of his furniture was moved down the street and he couldn’t figure out why or how he was going to get it back to our house. He said he woke up and his cat was with him in a strange house but he recognized all the furniture. He said he thought to himself, “wow, I am in big trouble!” I know what he was thinking, my gram is flip out! He apparently was up walking around talking to his cat asking the cat how all the furniture got moved down the street. I couldn’t help but laugh because I can totally see him doing that. I told him he just had a mixed up dream. Do you ever do that? Wake up from a dream that you can’t shake for hours? It’s happened to me before and it seems so real. He said my grandmother yelled at him and told him to get back in bed, there was no furniture that needed to be moved. Oh to be a fly on the wall as this is all happening. -ha.

I told him the fact that he remembered the dream and he remembered my gram yelling at him was good.-ha. If he had not remembered, well that would have been worse in my opinion. He was so mad and aggravated with himself because he said he is doing things that just don’t seem right. He admitted he was getting old. He doesn’t ever admit that when he does things out of the ordinary. If anything, he denies them and acts like we are all crazy. While these stories are a reflection of him getting older, I like that we are documenting them on our blog. It’s kind of a journal of growing old and I am sure looking back on these memories will be nice someday for me and the rest of our family. I started a dementia diaries series page a couple months ago if you want to read more family stories about aging.

Meet Jessica

What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.


  1. It’s wonderful that you are documenting the time with Gramp. I did with my father and now that he’s long gone, I treasure reading the times we spent and the funny quirky things that are part of aging and life. Great job.

  2. Juanita in OH says:

    Happy Belated Birthday to your Grandpa, Jessica! I hope he has recovered completely from that nightmare. All I can say is I understand all too well and the best thing to do about it is laugh, which I do often. TFS.

  3. Juanita in OH says:

    Happy Belated Birthday to your Grandpa, Jessica! I hope he has recovered completely from that nightmare. All I can say is I understand all too well and the best thing to do about it is laugh, which I do often. TFS.

  4. Jessica,
    You keep writing everything about your parents and grandparents. One day, you will wake up and be your parents age. My brother found a picture of myself and my cousin when we were headed out for our senior trip. We were just babies… thought we were fat, and we were so thin. LOL Now I am 57. Time has flown by so fast.

    Make sure you grandfather has a glass of water by his bed because sometimes when they have night terrors a drink of water will help.

    My mom had those terrors and it would scare my dad to death. He had little patience, especially when she would wake him up at night. She had Alz. It lasted about 10 years before she had to go in the nursing home. I’ve been there and done that. You just keep writing it all down and loving them all.

  5. Dawn Litke says:

    I love that he says that every morning…the wisdom of age is so awesome! We all need to think like that, everyday is a blessing!
    I am so jealous that you live with all of them! I have lost both my grandparents and parents already and would give anything to have them here again. Before my parents got sick we had talked about them moving in with us and the kids were so excited! As hard as it is at times, remember you are making such beautiful, sweet memories for you and your family by having everyone under one roof! Enjoy every minute with them!

    1. Thank you so much! YOur comment came at a great time as today, I am going crazy with the multi-gen living. haha. Thanks for the sweet words and reminder 🙂

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