It’s fun Friday + the movie HOP

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It’s Fun Friday here today at Four Generations One Roof and we are snow bound, again. Although this is just a tiny little storm, under a foot of snow so I can’t really complain, we are spending the morning on the couch watching the movie HOP. Yes, this is an impromptu “live” blog post. ha

fun friday + the movie hop

My gram is still in bed, she doesn’t get up until 11am! My grandfather is snoozing in his chair with his cat and my mom, dad and husband are at work. It’s snowing out pretty hard right now but it’s due to stop in a couple hours. Then I am off to get some dog food and hit Michaels Crafts to pickup some little things for my Easter wreath I plan on making over the weekend.

My son told me that Friday snow days are the best. I agree!

fun friday + hop movie shelby

Our boxer Shelby agrees too. Have a wonderful weekend and let me know if anyone else is enjoying a fun Friday watching the movie HOP!

Meet Jessica

What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.


  1. Shelby is so cute!!!!! And looks so tough. 🙂

    Happy fun Friday rock star!

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