
Grandchildren taking care of their grandparents {video}

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Grandchildren taking care of their grandparents is becoming more prevalent and I am proof of it. Many times when I google families as well as multigenerational families, I see that more and more grandchildren are caring for their grandparents. A couple days ago, the Huffington Post invited me back to discuss my role in caring for my grandparents.

In the segment I talk about my role in helping my grandparents with their medications, insurance and taking my grandfather to his doctor appointments. The caregiver role, depending on the situation, can be stressful. In my case, I have no problem delegating and speaking up if I can’t do something. My grandfather requires trips to the doctor sometimes as much as twice a month and my dad and mom pick up the slack if I cannot make the appointment. We discuss in the segment the importance of family support and other family members, who may not live in the house, also picking up the slack where necessary.

grandchildren taking care of their grandparents

Fortunately at the moment, I work from home and have a flexible schedule so I can take on most of the errands and doctor appointments. Both of my parents still work full time and it is difficult for them to take time off of work. In the segment, we talk about how grandchildren taking care of their grandparents can be a burden for some and how to handle it. The segment is pretty interesting, click the video above to watch :).

Meet Jessica

What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.


  1. It’s so amazing that you’re around to help with your grandparents!

    We had a scare with my grandmother a few weeks ago and it looked like she would need to be in a nursing home, but I wanted so badly to bring her home with me. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the funds to do so. But the good news is she recovered 100% and is back to normal!

    1. Oh that is good she was ok! I understand exactly what you are saying, it’s scary to think of them by themselves and in need of help.

  2. I dont know how you do it… you make it sound so easy.. but I guess back in the day its how everyone lived isnt it?

  3. It’s so great to have this kind of time together! Amazing for the young generations as well as the older ones. I’m sure there are challenges at times but the memories you are creating every day as a family will be so cherished by all as time goes on.

  4. What a great discussion on family caregiving! I enjoyed hearing you talk, Jessica. I miss the Yankee accent, living out here in the midwest 🙂 It would have been good if one of my kids had been in a position to care for my mother when she needed it, but it doesn’t always work out that way. The flip side of family caregiving is institutional care, which is difficult too. I am unable to provide my mother with the care she needs, and I struggle with the guilt of allowing strangers to do so. The bond between grandparents and grandchildren is such a special one, and it’s so encouraging to hear your journey as you participate so fully in your multigenerational home. Thanks, Jessica.

    1. Thank you Joyce for your comment 🙂 There are so many stories out there and so many people who are faced daily with caring for either their parents and/or grandparents. My mom’s mom use to live with us also and it was almost to the point where she would have had to go into a nursing home as it was getting very difficult to care for her as she needed professional 24/7 care. She passed away shortly after she moved in with us so it didn’t get to that point but the few months she was here, it was difficult for my mom to watch her mom dwindle away before her eyes. You just do the best you can and that’s all you can do. That’s what I tell me self often 🙂

  5. We had 3 generations living together growing up and many times throughout the years my parents relied on us to help out with my Nana. I miss her so much now that she is gone!! Cherish these special moments and let them tell you lots of stories that you will remember for ages!! 🙂

  6. Your family is amazing….very inspiring!

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