First Colonoscopy + FODMAP Diet {lets talk about poop!}

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This is an off topic discussion today so I apologize if you are stopping by to see DIY or Family stuff. I am sure talking about my poop and a colonoscopy isn’t that appealing! ha. However, I think it’s a discussion that probably is beneficial to all of us whether it be now or down the road. A Colonoscopy is an important way to check for colon cancer and to treat colon polyps. Polyps are abnormal growths on the inside lining of the intestine and both of my parents have had polyps removed at every colonoscopy they have had since they turned 40. I do have a family history of colon cancer so that is why I am starting early with preventative measures. My stomach has been an issue since I was a kid. I have always been told I have IBS and basically what that means, is I have an intestinal disorder causing pain in the belly which leads to gas, diarrhea, and constipation.

Well aren’t you glad I shared that?

One thing I have learned from blogging, as your blog grows, you end up having a voice that reaches thousands, if not millions of people and this topic is a no brainer when it comes to spreading awareness.  I am here to tell you that the procedure is an absolute piece of cake. There is nothing to worry about. In fact, you are sedated and will remember nothing. Can I just tell you how cool it was to look at the clock and it said 10:45am and I woke up 30 minutes later to see 11:15? I was so HAPPY! haha. You feel and see nothing. So if you are worried about it, STOP. The prep the day before though is the worst part. You basically cleanse your system with a salty (not so good tasting) drink. I was thrilled with how flat and unbloated my stomach was though once I was done ;). ha

colonoscopy polyps

The image above, courtesy of Dana Farber, shows what a polyp looks like in your colon. The goal is to have none and if you do, get them out right then and there. The doctor basically inserts a tiny tube that goes inside and looks for any abnormalities such as polyps, ulcers ect. I am happy to report that I didn’t have any polyps and everything looked good. He did take a couple biopsy’s of skin tissue to test for Celiac, Crohn’s  disease and a few other things. I should have those results back early next week. In the meantime, he suggested I go on a FODMAP diet for a couple weeks to see how my stomach feels after eating foods that are low in FODMAPS. Yes, that is a scary sounding acronym, deriving from Fermentable, Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols.

What does FODMAP stand For



The first thing my Dr. said to me before he started was, “is this going to be on the blog?”

I laughed and said, “you mean the pictures of the inside of my buttocks?”

I said, “ummm probably not.” 🙂

Basically, I need to eliminate everything I love from my diet :(. I hit the grocery store to buy stuff I have never even heard of. Just kidding, although I never thought I would be making green smoothie shakes and buying exotic fruits. Stay tuned, I have been keeping track of my recipes and progress about what works and what doesn’t with regard to my stomach. I am AMAZED at how much better I feel. I will share more info soon ;).

Meet Jessica

What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.


  1. Your message may save someone’s life. I too have colon cancer in my family and issues with my stomach. It’s amazing what certain foods can do to you and yes, I totally understand all the favorites get crossed out. Many times I’ll go ahead and eat something I love and then kick myself for having to pay the consequences! Wishing you all the best.

    1. I am with you on kicking yourself after you eat a “NO” food ;). Last night I ate 3 chocolate chip cookies and and felt so gross after! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Wow. Great info. I will be turning 50 later this year and my Dr.’s way of wishing me an early happy birthday was to send me a letter reminding me that I have to make an appt. for my first colonoscopy. Great!! Ha!
    Thank you for sharing. I am a little apprehensive of any medical procedure. That’s just me. I feel better now and will be checking for recipes and news on the new diet.

    Thanks again.

    1. Thanks Alma! Good luck with your procedure. You will be so happy once it’s done 😉

  3. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing your story. My husband went gluten free November 1st and he feels so much better. His digestive issues, among others, are gone. He had a blood test done that came back negative, but I knew the blood test are not reliable and immediately switched him to a 100% gluten free diet and he feels amazing. It’s an adjustment for sure but so worth it. You have to learn to read labels and know what you’re looking for.

    Hopefully your test will give you some answers and you will feel better very soon.

    1. The labels are so confusing! They drive me crazy but I am learning. I also feel so much better when I manage to get through the day without eating crap! ha. Good luck to your husband and his gluten free quest!

  4. Thanks for sharing! I am 46 years old and never had one. I guess I should be looking into having one soon.

    Have you heard of Paleo diet? That may help with your stomach issues.

    1. I have heard of that diet but don’t really know much about it. Your response reminded me to check that out too. Thanks!

  5. Taking my husband on Monday for his 4th or 5th one ( I’ve lost count!). His mom had colon cancer, so the dr wanted him to start early. Last time they found polyps that they couldn’t remove during the colonoscopy so he had to go back for intestinal surgery in the hospital. That wasn’t as easy, but our minds are relieved, now that we know he is polyp free and cancer free.
    Thanks for providing the insight!

    1. That is SO good that he goes and I know what you mean about being relieved. Good luck with the future ones 🙂

  6. My mother passed away from colon cancer a few months after my 40th birthday. When my doctor heard he immediately scheduled me for a colonoscopy and because of the family history I have one every 5 years instead of the usual 10. I hate that prep the day before, but the last time just over a year ago they gave me something new. I only had to drink three 8 oz. glasses of “prep juice” instead of a whole gallon and the whole prep only took a couple of hours. It was so much better and I’m optimistic that researchers will keep improving it. I’m glad you had yours and showed no polyps!

  7. My friends son is one year out from his diagnosis of Crohn’s. He suffered for a little more than a year before his diagnosis.
    Part of the diagnosis was a colonoscopy. He has had three now, with the most recent one, 2 weeks ago, showing worsening of his condition.
    The one good thing about his diagnosis is that he is participating in a study of new drugs, imagine how excited the drs were to hear that he has a twin brother!

    He will be 11 years old next month.
    If he can do it, that is, have a colonoscopy, so can adults.

    1. Oh wow! Glad they were able to find out what was going on and keeping him in my thoughts for future treatment. Gosh, so much for an 11 year old. You are right, if a kid can do it, so can an adult!

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