Duct tape flowers tutorial + headband
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The kids and I recently spent a Saturday afternoon making Scotch Color & Pattern Duct Tape flowers. Can I just tell you, the amount of patterns and colors available are phenomenal. The kids loved this craft project and the girls decided that embellishing their headbands with flowers would be a fab new trend. When Scotch Color & Pattern Duct Tape contacted me and asked if I would like to experiment and create something fun with their vibrant and colorful Scotch Color & Pattern Duct Tape, I jumped at the chance. It was a perfect opportunity to involve the kids and get creative.
Scotch Color & Pattern Duct Tape comes in a variety of colors, not to mention, fun patterns! I think the blue chevron is my favorite. I have two flower tutorials. The first one involves cutting out your flower petals and stringing together with yarn.
I chose two different colors. A pattern and a solid. I put the solid color on the back (sticky side) of the pattern. You will see below how I taped the two sticky sides together. I wanted a wide flower so I decided to do two rows about 2.5 feet (of tape) and then taped them together shown in step 3. I then cut out (step 4) my flower petals. You will see I didn’t do a perfect circle, I made them oval with a point at the bottom.
Duct tape flowers tutorial + headband
Once all 26 petals were cut out, I punched two holes with my hole puncher at the bottom. You must do two holes (step 5 and 6). Next, I threaded pink yarn through each hole (both) and continued on the same method essentially stringing the petals together (step 7 and 8).
Once all your petals are strung (step 9), take both ends of the yarn and tie it tight (step 10).
Tie a knot underneath (step 11 & 12). This creates your flower. I decided to take two pieces of white pipe cleaner and twist them together to make a stem. I then attached to the pipe cleaner to the flower by wrapping the cleaner around one of the petals at the base. I then took the remaining yarn and weaved it around the pipe cleaner to create a white and pink striped stem.
Kinda cute I think!
Viola a fun cute colorful flower. This would also be super cute attached to a pencil.
For the next flower project, we used plastic inexpensive headbands and different patterns. First, we cut 11 pieces of tape in the colors and patterns that coordinated nicely together. For this particular one, we chose the blue chevron and hot pink.
Duct tape flowers tutorial + headband
We cut 2″ pieces and folded the tops similar to a “house”. Simply fold the top corners in to make a “peak” of a house. Then stick them together as shown below so they overlap a bit. You can use more than 11 pieces, we just found that 11 at 2″ wide, created a nice sized flower for the headband.
One you have your row of “house’s” taped together as shown above, loosely wrap the tape around your finger.
Don’t wrap it to tight, or you won’t be able to get it off. We made that mistake on the first try :).
Once you remove the tape from your finger, pinch the bottom of the flower and take a separate small piece of tape and wrap it around the bottom.
Then start to pull back the layers of tape to create your flower. Work from the bottom up.
We created three flowers for each headband. We attached the flowers to the headband with a small piece of hot pink Scotch Color & Pattern Duct Tape.
The possibilities are endless with what you can embellish with Scotch Color & Pattern Duct Tape. One of the girls had an idea to add a fun flower to some of their hair clips and another to their school pencils. Personally, I like the idea of maybe creating a fun DIY wall art project.
This is my niece, she made a wallets. Her flowers got a little squished squished but she was dying to show everyone on the blog her wallets. I will be sharing that tutorial soon.
Duct Tape crafts are so much fun and you can really make just about anything! I personally love how the kids got involved and made their own creations.
Scotch Color & Pattern Duct Tape can be found at most of your local craft shops. Thank you so much to Scotch Duct Tape for sponsoring todays post on how to make duct tape flowers. The kids thoroughly enjoyed this project.
My dad peaked in while we were making the flowers and asked what we were doing. My son told him we were making girly headbands with duct tape. My dad said, “duct tape doesn’t come in pink!” Lesson learned for the older generation in our home, Scotch Color & Pattern Duct Tape comes in a variety of colors and patterns .
Visit ScotchDuctTape.com to learn more.
This post is a collaboration with Scotch Colors and Patterns Duct Tape. To see more creative projects, visit www.ScotchDuctTape.com. All opinions and words are 100% my own.
Meet Jessica
What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.
My daughter LOVES duct tape. She would have a blast making these. Thanks so much!
Those are so cool Jess! That flower is seriously amazing and I absolutely LOVE the idea of using smaller ones on a headband. The possibilities are endless!
Too cute! Love the headband!
Holy moly, that’s duct tape?? Definitely pinning to do for (with?) my 6 year old. Thank you for this!
I can’t believe these adorable flowers are made with duct tape!! The possibilities are endless – I’m excited to try and make some on my own!
These are beyond cute!! My daughter, the Duct Tape addict, will be crazy about this craft! Thank you!
so cute, I just love all the patterns they have come out with.
Thank you Diane! I am looking for halloween tape now 🙂