Bittersweet Move Out Day
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Words cannot describe the feelings that are running through my body. Yesterday the movers arrived and emptied the furniture from our house. In the middle of all the chaos, I was switching over services for the tv, electricity ….you know, all those pain in the butt kind of things and it hit me last night around 7pm, we are moving. Here is a quick video I took yesterday that I shared on our Instagram Stories.
As I walked through the house with the echo from the foot steps ringing in my ears, I held back a few tears and thought about so many of the times I got mad in this house, laughed until I cried and the countless number of times I have pulled into this driveway since I had got my license almost 36 years ago. Today we are finishing up loose ends at the house, boxing up odds and ends and will be sleeping on the floor haha. Tomorrow starts a new chapter so stay tuned, the new house is coming…..UPDATE: See our New Old World Mediterranean House

Meet Jessica
What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.
Congratulations on such a big life change. I look forward to following your new adventure. Say ‘Hi’ to gramps for me!!
Oh Jessica, can’t believe your moving day is already here. Just close your eyes and imagine yourself in your new home. We’ve moved 13 times in 52 years, and just when I think I have everything down to a science, something goes awry. Perfectly normal. We are looking forward to our 14th and last move in April. Can’t wait to see your new house and all the decorating hints you’ll share with us. Good luck with the move and keep a smile on your face, you’ll be all moved in and organized before you know it!
Appreciate your feelings and memories. Going through the same after fifty years! I am the last to leave.
Like you, my hands have been all over these walls, painting, wallpapering or taking walls down.
Wishing you and your parents all good memory building in your new “home”. Hugs
Ten years ago we too moved after 30 years in the only home our children ever knew. It was definitely harder on our children than us. Since we are close by and our son’s best friends’ parents still live next door (and they are still best friends) we all see “our” house occasionally. It is weird to see other people’s furniture on our deck, etc. we’d love to see the inside, but the new owner is very private. ????
Best Wishes. I can’t imagine the amount of “stuff” that your four generations have acquired. I told my husband that IF we ever move don’t be surprised at the amount of (precious) ha..items that won’t make the move. I looking forward to your next chapter in your new home. I bet it will be amazing.
Wow, Jessica, can I relate! Last April my husband and I moved from our house of 45 years. We decided that it was time to downsize. Our lovely Large Cape Cod style house was too much house for just the two of us. It was especially difficult for us since we built the house and every design choice,addition and improvement was all us. (As is the case with you and your family) The most difficult thing, however, was that this was the house I brought my newborn children home to. All of our family memories were there. Holidays, birthdays, graduations and pool parties will forever be fondly remembered with joy. This is a difficult time for all of you, but it is also a new chapter. We have started our new chapter and luckily I had a remodel to focus on. I look forward to telling my new story and as I told the lovely young couple who purchased my home, “it is time to create yours”. When I think of my old home, I know I may no longer own it, but it will always be mine. Wishing you and your family a lifetime of wonderful memories in your new home. Time to start a new story,!
Awwwwww Jessica, I know just how rough this really is. My heart is heavy and, at the same time, looking forward to seeing what is ahead. When I first moved from my home of 40 years, in NYC Queens, I moved to Ohio. I was devastated for two years, yes 2. I am happy that you have your family to surround you, that should help a great deal. My prayers are with all of you and tell Gramps “hello and happy Valentine’s Day”! How are his wedding plans coming?
Congratulations on your new adventure! We begin our new adventure the end of March. It’s going to be interesting moving our household belongings, 2 dogs, and 5 cats from the deep south to New England! I will pray that y’all survive without to much drama! hahaha
I missed the WHY? are you leaving this home to a new one?
Hey Michele! That is a question that everyone is asking 🙂 I plan to share a blog post soon on it but the short version is , we didn’t need multiple kitchens and 18 rooms anymore now that my grandparents are gone. (my gramp still in nursing home). Stay tuned, post coming soon on that :). I just shared the new house today on the blog if you want to check it out!