Our Huffington Post live interview
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This week has been a busy week here in our household for the blog. I say that giggling because it still a bit surreal how our multigenerational living situation has gotten so much attention over the last 2 years since I started this blog. Living with four generations under one roof is simply the “norm” for us and the trend seems to be increasing as time goes by. A couple days ago I was lucky enough to be invited by Nancy Redd, a producer at the Huffington Post’s streaming network, to talk about our family and what life is like living with four generations under one roof.
I was flattered to be invited and it was pretty fun :).
If you are living with multiple generations, thinking about the idea or simply just curious, watch the segment, you might be surprised what you hear! My son was hoping they were coming out with a news crew similar to the ABC World News segment we did a while back but I told him this time, “it’s internet TV.” It’s amazing the technology his generation is growing up with!
PS. Thank you for the LOVE on our refrigerator post yesterday! Oh and the honey is only in there b/c my son likes to see how thick it will get. It’s so thick we could never eat it! ha. It’s like a science experiment 🙂
Meet Jessica
What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.
that’s so fun, jessica! great job! 🙂
Thank you Jane 🙂
I think this is just great. Especially seeing our parents aging, etc….I give your family alot of credit, and could definitely see this kind of life style.
Thank you Brenda!
We are three generations under one roof. We help my husbands grandmother. And, she also helps us take care of our 3 month old twins. Thank God for multi-generational households!
That is great she is able to help you with babysitting 🙂
If you are dealing with an alzheimic parent or grandparent as the caregiver I certainly give you a big GOD BLESS YOU. My mom had Alzheimer’s disease, she was far enough along in 2000 that my husband and I had to move in with her and her husband(my step-father) since they wouldn’t move in with us. I just couldn’t keep up my home, their home and work a full time job too. Many days I thought I had reached the end of my rope, but with the help of my sisters I made it til I had to put her in a nursing home. Another nightmare! most of the staff were loving and kind but they all were overworked and underpaid. She “eloped” several times, once in the middle of February, in the freezing rain, in the middle of the night, with only a pair of silk pjs and her shoes. She ended up on a stranger’s stoop, rather than bringer her in and trying to warm her or just bringing a blanket and an umbrella, they left her on the stoop in the pouring rain and called the police! ThankGOD a very caring young officer responded and immediately bundled her into his coat and into the car, put the heater on high and took her to the nearby hospital. We do still have some caring people in this world of ours. Thank GOD, she never even got the sniffles. I had promised to bankrupt the institution if she became ill. We lost our mom last Sept 28 and buried her on Oct 1, the day before my 70th birthday. She lost her mom when she was 15 but Thank GOD, HE let me have mine for almost 70 years. I don’t regret the time or effort of taking care of her but the last years were hard, she didn’t even know who she was. She would call me by her name and call me “mom” at times. For the last year she very seldom used her voice at all except for singing. I don’t think she ever lost her love of music. Sometimes she would just lie in her bed and yell in anger and frustration. Those were the times I could barely deal with. You just feel so helpless. If this sounds like you , Please, find a way to take some time for yourself and get away.
sending you kudos,
Oh wow Marsha that is horrible about your mom and being found outside. I PRAY I never have to go through that with any of my loved ones. Right now, (knock on wood) it’s all very manageable compared to what you went through. That is wonderful that you had your mom until you were 70 🙂 My mom is a couple years younger than you and her mom died 4 years ago. She also lived with us and her dementia and ALZ was awful the last year of her life, she literally didn’t even know if she ate dinner and wouldn’t get up to go to the bathroom. I helped my mom in the end with her and it was a learning experience to say the least. Thank you so much for commenting and sharing your story 🙂