How to throw a quick pizza party!

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Looking to throw a quick pizza party? I am here today to share how you can do just that.  If you live in the Northeast like we do, you are most likely familiar with Ellio’s Pizza. I remember as a kid my Gram would make me Ellio’s for lunch and I thought it was such a treat! They have been around for over 5 decades and today, four generations later, we still stock our freezer with it.

How to throw a quick Pizza Party

Last month I shared how we love pizza during our family movie time. We look forward to our food, can’t you tell ;). My grandfather knows when we are making pizza, he can smell it for miles!

How to throw a quick Pizza Party

Having a pizza party is a quick and easy way to feed your guests and still enjoy your gathering. In under 15 minutes, your dinner is ready. Simply pop your Ellio’s pizza in the toaster oven and once it’s done, serve with your favorite side dishes. One thing that we love about Ellio’s pizza is that there is 100% real cheese and no artificial flavors. Not only does it have real cheese but the crispy delicious crust happens to be my favorite!

Ellio’s is great tasting with real mozzarella cheese, awesome sauce and a crispy crust All Ellio’s products are made with real ingredients – like 100% real cheese and no artificial flavors

A quick and easy method for your party is to create a buffet. Stacked dishes, a cutting board for the hot pizza tray, bowls for the side dishes and a tub filled with ice for drinks work out perfectly on any tabletop.  This makes it super easy for guests to serve themselves which takes the pressure off of you. Be sure to check out the Ellio’s Products on their Facebook , tumblr and twitter pages for more information and use their Ellio’s Pizza Store Locator to find a store near you.

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Ellio’s Pizza. All opinions are 100% mine.

Be sure to check out this boy’s birthday party idea… so cute!

Meet Jessica

What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.


  1. When our kids were teenagers, years ago, we used to have ” 3 P’s night”
    Usually a Sunday night, and all their friends knew about this night.
    Pizza, pop, and potato chips.. We enjoyed having any of their friends dropping in to help us eat our three P’s……

  2. What a terrific party idea! I’m going to look for Ellio’s pizza and stock up for impromptu guests 🙂

  3. it’s always good to have quick dinners like this in the repertoire – tasty and fast, good for a party!

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