My grandfather – diabetes is kicking his butt + my dad surgery
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Diabetes. What a pain in the butt disease. When it rains it pours….right? I don’t know why that always happens. Things have been pretty quiet here on the home front for a while and things are still pretty good but my grandfather’s diabetes has been keeping us all very busy. Remember about a month ago, I posted that he had fallen and I had found him after 3 hours of being on the floor? Well since then, we got both my grandparents Lifeline (those little buttons that they wear around their neck and detect a fall) but he has fallen again 3 times since then. His diabetes is kicking his butt and ours too! On another note, my dad had hand surgery last week for carpal tunnel so he is recovering too. Between my shoulder surgery, my dad’s surgery and my grandfather not being able to stay “upright” we are three peas in a pod -ha.
I found my grandfather a couple days ago in his workshop almost passed out with sugar below 35 and yesterday, my husband found him outside on the ground at 6am. It was so cold and windy so thankfully, he was only outside for under 10 minutes before we found him but his sugar was 36 and he was a mess. Long story short, we got his doctor involved and got his meds switched around and he isn’t administering his insulin anymore. About a year ago, we had to take over his pills as he wasn’t taking them properly and now it’s time for him to let us takeover his insulin. It’s not as easy as it may sound. He is/was super independent and VERY stubborn. He doesn’t like being told what to do and I don’t blame him but at this point, it’s for his own good. For those of you who are caretakers of an elderly friend or family member, you know the importance of trying to let them have as much control as possible. Once you start taking things away from them, like simple tasks such as taking your medicine, they tend to get really angry and sometimes depressed. My grandfather’s diabetes, dementia, anxiety and depression have gotten worse this past year and it’s really hard to watch. I don’t blog about it because it makes me sad to even think about it so I tend to avoid it. Sometimes I cry at night before I go to sleep just thinking about how he is now. I don’t cry for long, just a quick couple minutes. It’s really sad sometimes. Heck, I might need some meds – haha. More on living with my grandparents, diabetes, dementia, anxiety, depression and a slew of other things in 2016. It’s time to be merry and cheery as Christmas is right around the corner :).

Meet Jessica
What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.
im sorry you are going through this. They are lucky to have you! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much Selena 🙂
The lady that I roomed with while in hospital also has diabetes and has fallen often. I felt so bad for her seemed every time nurses came in the room to check her insulin (often) she had to have insulin, but she always seemed to keep her spirits and attitude up, said she has so many pinholes when she drinks a glass of water she looks like a sprinkler , and made remarks of her colorful body from the marks left behind from injections, She was finally able to go home yesterday, I have seen a lot that people have to deal with while I am recuperating my injuries and surely makes one realize how much we take for granted and appreciate the wonderful nurses and therapists etc. some of whom we will be sharing Christmas together with. Will keep gramps in prayers.
Thanks Diane! I hope you get out of there soon. Keep your spirits up and wishing you a speedy recovery ;). Merry Christmas!
This is really what Christmas is about.. Love and sharing. Sometimes we think it is the giving of physical gifts and food, really the love and attention you are showing them right now is their gift. Trust me, these memories will be a gift to you also. You are giving the best gift,, TIME. Merry Christmas
Awww thanks Gail, I agree 🙂 I know I am very lucky. Thanks so much for your sweet comment, made me smile 🙂 Merry Christmas!
My thoughts and prayers are with you. It is just plain hard being a caregiver. I did it for both of my parents for seven years. The most important thing I want to share with you is to be sure to take care of yourself. I did not do this and wound up sick and in the hospital at the very end. It sounds like you have good support!
Thanks Deb! That is horrible you ended up sick and ended up in the hospital. Thankfully, there are lots of us here to help out. Yes I agree, enlisting all family to help is important. Thanks so much for stopping by 🙂
Hey Jessica
Hope the family gets through the holidays with flying colours and that you have a Healthy, Happy 2016!
It’s tough to watch loved ones suffering for sure…Blessings and Merry Christmas!
Thanks Wendy! Hopefully the new meds work and we’ll be on to happier days ! Merry Christmas!
I will be praying for your Grandpa, and for all of you this Christmas season!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks Dona! Merry Christmas to you too!!
So sorry to hear you are handling all this at home. I can feel for you.
My father was in his 10th decade and I hard to move him to assisted living and hire a helper for the mornings as he was very independent and then declined fast after he had to leave his home and move in with me.
His diabetes went totally crazy and the dementia was about as bad. I had to sleep on his bed and hold onto him in the night, as he would be up and getting into trouble if left alone.
Please don’t put off essential decisions that, unmade, can destroy your home life and you’ll be so tired you won’t be able to function. Been there, done that, and you know about the tee-shirt…….
You might do well to find a “case manager” to help you, if there are any in your area.
Assisted living , even with a helper each day, was still not an ideal situation. And I dreaded putting him in the “memory care” wing, where he would be locked in and totally angrily and confused. It made it harder that he doesn’t understand the english spoken here, it’s so different than he is used to, among other issues.
It sounds heartless, I know, but if I had any other family here, I don’t think i would have sacrificed them to my father, who had had his day and except for good medical care would have died long before he did.
Hang in there. You can do this. With the help of every member of your family.
Oh wow so sorry to hear that your dad had such a rough time. That is terrible. I pray it never gets that bad where he can’t live here with us. Hope you have a great holiday and thanks so much for your encouragement :).
I’m sorry you’re family is going through so much right now. It’s great that you all have each other so you can all help take care of each other. My best friend and husband are taking care of his mother, and they are going through similar issues as you are.
I can empathize with you on having to take over your grandfather’s meds. My husband’s parents moved to be near us 6 years ago so that we could help them as they aged. They are now at the point where we need to go over to their house almost daily to check on them. I go to all their doctor’s appointment with them and every hospital trip (which is becoming more frequent). We are in the process of taking over their meds also because we have noticed them making mistakes. Medications are just too important to mess up on! The physical ailments are hard enough to watch but I find the dementia harder. My sweet MIL is experiencing this and it is so hard to see her slowly losing herself. I pray that the Lord will give you peace, comfort and grace as you help your parents and grandparents at this time in their lives. In this day and age not many people are willing to make that sacrifice.
Thanks so much Laura for sharing your story. It’s always good to hear what are other are doing/going through/things that work/don’t work ect. Good luck and thanks again for stopping by 🙂
stirred a lot of memories reading about your trilogy of c challenges. it is good that you have shared this with us the readers. it is actually an honor to be entrusted with the things we can pray for you and your family.
God bless you and Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year
Thank you Brenda 🙂