Family Room makeover with Cheryl at Tidy Mom
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First let me say thank you for all your sweet comments yesterday on our laundry room makeover. You all made my day! I have a treat for you today. Do you know Cheryl at Tidy Mom? If you don’t, she is like a rockstar in my mind. She cooks, crafts, organizes and shoots the most beautiful pictures you will ever see. She and her family recently moved into their new home over the summer and she is embarking on a major makeover for their family room. I was flattered when she asked me if I would like to help her. I said, “seriously, you want me to help you?” At first I thought she was joking but it was no joke. Her poor husband though is wishing it was a joke. hehe.
Meet Steve, Cheryl’s husband.
The very first thing I asked Cheryl was are you and your husband handy? She said, “yes, Steve is handy!”. I told her he is going to regret getting me involved :). After several emails, pinning to the family room pinterest board and tossing around ideas, we came up with a game plan that Cheryl loves.
Here is her family room now. They plan on painting this large space a much lighter color as well as purchasing a couple new furniture pieces that will be suitable for their family needs. The wall to the right is where the TV will go and adjacent is the beautiful tufted sofa set she recently purchased.
Poor Steve, this is how he looked after I suggested planking the walls and jazzing up the fireplace surround area. Cheryl and her girls are pretty excited to see him put his DIY skills to work. My husband saw me making this collage and he said, “who are they and what are you doing?” I told him about the makeover and his first and only response was, “good, torture someone else’s husband and leave me alone!” Oh that husband of mine, he has no idea how good he has it! 🙂
Top – Cheryl and her kids, bottom left – Steve, bottom right – me
Come join me today over at Tidy Mom where I am sharing more of her space and give us your two cents about how and where the furniture should go. You will love her new tufted sofa! I am sharing loads of inspirational EYE CANDY for this large space and I can’t wait to see it finished. Cheryl’s overall goal, a warm and inviting family room that speaks casual elegance with pops of color. Steve just cares about where the TV is and wants to make sure he can see it from his seat at the kitchen table. That man cracks me up! Do you think Cheryl will comply with the TV demand? hehe. Come see!

Meet Jessica
What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.
lol you crack me up!!…….and YOU, my dear, are the rock star!!!!!
Thanks for all your help and input!!