Spring into action with 3-Way lighting!

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I know this sounds silly but I love 3-way light bulbs. How on earth could a light bulb make me so happy? Well, here’s the thing, when you live with so many people under one roof, you tend to have so many opinions about how bright the room should be. So for me, I love the option to turn it down a notch at night if I am relaxing. That is why the 3-way bulb is perfect for me. I gives versatility when it comes to lighting and for us, keeps the bickering down between us ;). This year as we begin spring cleaning,  we are creating multiple spots in our home that will serve a multitude of purposes. Part of that is changing out our bulbs using Cree LED bulbs. Last year I was contacted to participate in the Cree LED bulb ambassadorship and I was thrilled to join. Fabulous lighting is right up my alley!

Moving around our family room and getting ready to welcome the warmer weather makes me happy!

Why I love 3 way bulbs / versatility and mood lighting

I love to sit on our couch and watch TV at night and surf the net on my lap top. Who wants a bright light shining over them when they are trying to relax? Not me! The first click on a 3-way lamp is perfect for my down time, quiet mood at night. BUT, when my dad wants to brighten up the room with 4 different lamps set to the brightest level, well he can do that. He has a thing for brightness! ha.

Why I love 3 way lighting Cree LED 3-way

Did you know that these bulbs last for 20 years? They are super cool looking too. For us, Spring cleaning consists of cleaning the windows from the winter elements and allowing the outside in! Re-arranging furniture and accessories also happens to be on my list as well when it comes to spring cleaning. I get bored easy so I love to swap out accent chairs, sometimes larger furniture pieces, lamps and accessories to create a new mood to go along with the new season. This also presents the opportunity to clean under furniture that normally would be forgotten.

If I had my choice, every lamp in our home would be a 3-way. Our playroom/study room is a prime example of when we need light options. This year we are changing out most of our lights to Cree LED and I will be investing in a couple more 3-way lamps as well.

Why I love 3 way lighting Cree LED 3-way

When the kids are playing, obviously it needs to be bright and cheery but when my mom or I want to sit and read a book or simply have some quiet time, a dim soft light is necessary. I am loving this time of year, well I will be loving it more once the snow is completely gone but we are in the home stretch! I never thought I would enjoy spring cleaning this much but after the winter we have had, I can’t wait! Be sure to check out our post a couple months ago to read all about the facts, figures and how energy efficient these bulbs are. They are quite the little rockstars in the bulb industry ;). See just how cool they are here, in this quick fun video.


Disclosure: I am a brand ambassador for Cree Bulbs. I was provided with complimentary bulbs and compensation. All opinions and words are 100% my own. These bulbs are fantastic! 



Meet Jessica

What started as a hobby, Jessica’s blog now has millions of people visit yearly and while many of the projects and posts look and sound perfect, life hasn’t always been easy. Read Jessica’s story and how overcoming death, divorce and dementia was one of her biggest life lessons to date.

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